Monday, November 8, 2010

Business Matters

Rhonda and I have been in business officially for 6 months since we incorporated on May 1, 2010.  We have obtained our MBA degrees, attended several film festivals, and have a few projects under our belt and up-coming.  We have sold a small handful of our short films, and have created a buzz around the area as go-getters. 

But the question that has plagued us is: How do you make money in making movies? 

Well, we prayed initially when starting the venture that we would take on all the film projects we can muster during our first year without pay, if need be. That has been the case 100% of the time.  So in order to set our self up for May 1, 2011 when we begin to seek payment for our services, we decided we needed a master plan- a business plan.

Now, we do have one, but its a personal plan that we made when we got started. But now we need a true financial and comprehensive business plan that will have us profitable in 3-5 years.  So, I've decided to take a entrepreneurship certification course through MTC/Kauffman called FastTrac. I hope to take it in early Spring.  Through this program, I'll have access to business mentors and business writing plans that will likely guarantee our company a business loan through the Small Business Association, and inclusion in one of two small business start-up business incubator programs offered through USC and Benedict College. 

We'll glady share with you the experience of the certification process, and will keep you abreast of our pursuit of Business Matters.


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