Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Entertainment Wednesdays: Short Film "I am"

Kids Cinema Camp-Columbia Bethlehem Community Center Spring Break 2014 from RJ Foley on Vimeo.

The kids who participated in Columbia Bethlehem Community Center's Kids Film Camp had a Red Carpet screening on Saturday, April 26. It was held at the Cottingham Theatre located on the campus of Columbia College in Columbia, SC. Although we missed the screening due to work, we were able to swing by at the end of the event. We were excited because a few of the kids and parents were being interviewed by The Meredith Show. The Meredith Show airs locally on NBC (WIS TV) at 12:30pm on Thursdays.

We are so proud of each of these kids and glad to have played a small part in bringing this opportunity to the Columbia Metropolitan area.

Rhonda's role model: Her mother.

  • Treat everybody with respect and speak to all no matter their position. A position title does not matter.
  • Smile! I smile to everyone because you never know how their day is going. 
  • Finally, I learned from my mom to be the best me I can be.

Sharee's role model:  Her father.

  • Keep my head up and look people in the eye.
  • Nobody is perfect.
  • If I am able to help someone in need, do it with a loving (not grudgingly) heart.

Who is your role model? Do you follow his or her advice?

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